Wednesday, November 09, 2005

take that carl lewis!

So I was talking to Platinum Pete today and he just finished a new video for Morningwood's "Nth Degree" and it's getting much love on the M-T-V. YAY. Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside when someone from the 413 does themselves good. Anyways this led to a discussion on our all-time favorite music videos.

Mine is "Dance Commander" by Electric Six. When I first saw it I was at work and I was seriously ANGRY that I was at work and not home thrashing around my bedroom like the dude in the video. I was so impressed that i was actually the "dance commander" for halloween that year. Download the video here. It's worth it believe me.

This is Pete's favorite video ever:
and honestly after seeing it, it could be a close second for me also. No one can pull off black leotards and eyeliner like Carl Lewis. NOBODY.

More wicked awesome Carl Lewis videos here and here.


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