Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy W day!

Did I ever mention how much I loathe Valentine's Day(V Day)? It's the worst holiday ever. Makes everyone feel crappy. If you're in a relationship, there's all these expectations of a romantic evening, and if it doesn't pan out that way, it's disappointing. If you are in a long distance relationship, you're miserable because you aren;t with that person. And finally if you are single, you just feel bad in general. Hallmark makes sure of that.

I actually prefer to be single on V Day. The last few years i went out with my single friends, mostly male, and went bar hopping. Always a blast. I'm glad I'm not in MA this year though, because my oasis of single friends is running virtually dry.

A piece of advice for my male friends out there, if you are dating a girl on Vday, get her a friggin' card ok? It's worth the 2 bucks.


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