Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Today was D-day. One huge mind-blowing project due and one semi-important presentation due. We were up til 1:30AM or so finishing up the big mind-blowing one. Dropped all 200 pages of our final report to Kinkos and dropped 200 bucks to print and bind it up. Who knew paper was so expensive? I then spend the next couple hours tweaking and adding to our presentation on sleep disorders for ubicomp. Whitney did a fine job in getting us started. I owe her my first born.

I finally crawled into bed around 3:30ish. woo boy. My bed is the most comfortable thing ever, especially with t-shirt sheets. wow. goodness. So good in fact that i could'nt seem to leave it this morning. I must've pressed snooze about 4 times. Finally my alarm clock must have said, "Ok obviously this girl does not want to be disturbed" because it stopped going off. 8:30 rolls around and I wake up to my phone vibrating loudly on my window sill. 8:30. I have class... more importantly I have a PRESENTATION to give at 9. Oh shit. I threw my clothes on and ran to class (usually a 20 min walk). And so started my day. I'm so tired.

I was going to hit Buffalo Blues for some beer and wings to celebrate handing in my stuff, but everyone's doing Saui, Whit wasn't feeling well and I am having trouble keeping my eyes open. There's plenty of time for celebrating. Tomorrow is my birthday.. woo. and friday there's GSA happy hour. Free food and a keg at Docs.

Life is good.


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