Saturday, December 25, 2004

happy happy, joy joy

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Monday, December 13, 2004

weekend update

well I am officially in my late 20s. I turned 26 Thursday. I had planned a night of dancing and debachery, kicking off with drinks at my place around 7. By 7:50 I was all dressed up and chilling with my roommate in my apt, feeling a little bit like Molly Ringwald in Sweet Sixteen. Luckily, my friends are just fashionably late and by 8:30, I had about 20 people here ready to celebrate. We had the wine and run flowing and some of the best dance hits of the 80s and 90s on Janette's poorly designed boombox.. (haha). Eventually we headed over to the club with a nice buzz on, room-hopped all night and ended it all with a bacon-licious breakfast at Eat n' Park. Damn near perfect. The best birthday I've had since I made everyone sing karyoke on my 23rd.

Thursday set me up to do absolutely nothing the rest of the weekend. Friday was our HCI christmas party and the GSA end of the semester happy hour at Docs. Free food, free drinks all day, all night. Erin and I decicided we never meet anyone new outside our program so we went on a mission to bring new friends into our circle. What we met were a lot of antisocial people. Ah well, Ben ended up chilling with us for awhile and taking Alex, Sarah and I to a Philosophy party. All I could picture was a bunch of people smoking and talking about life and plato, but it was your typical house party.

Sat was an art gallery and more dancing, this time at a trendy martini bar called Bikki. Really cool place with leather chairs and a fireplace. And a cute bartender, but I can't go there. Bartenders= bad news.

I started to actually get work done yesterday. I'm tired. I have meetings and an exam tonight. Party's ova.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Today was D-day. One huge mind-blowing project due and one semi-important presentation due. We were up til 1:30AM or so finishing up the big mind-blowing one. Dropped all 200 pages of our final report to Kinkos and dropped 200 bucks to print and bind it up. Who knew paper was so expensive? I then spend the next couple hours tweaking and adding to our presentation on sleep disorders for ubicomp. Whitney did a fine job in getting us started. I owe her my first born.

I finally crawled into bed around 3:30ish. woo boy. My bed is the most comfortable thing ever, especially with t-shirt sheets. wow. goodness. So good in fact that i could'nt seem to leave it this morning. I must've pressed snooze about 4 times. Finally my alarm clock must have said, "Ok obviously this girl does not want to be disturbed" because it stopped going off. 8:30 rolls around and I wake up to my phone vibrating loudly on my window sill. 8:30. I have class... more importantly I have a PRESENTATION to give at 9. Oh shit. I threw my clothes on and ran to class (usually a 20 min walk). And so started my day. I'm so tired.

I was going to hit Buffalo Blues for some beer and wings to celebrate handing in my stuff, but everyone's doing Saui, Whit wasn't feeling well and I am having trouble keeping my eyes open. There's plenty of time for celebrating. Tomorrow is my birthday.. woo. and friday there's GSA happy hour. Free food and a keg at Docs.

Life is good.

Monday, December 06, 2004

killing trees

I think I'm getting a master's in paperwork, with a concentration in meetings.

Holy crap, that's all I've been doing lately. I just got out of an 8 hour one. Surprisingly, I'm in a great mood. We were all getting irritable until we grabbed some burgers from the "O". This burger was pure goodness. Things went uphill from then on. We kicked on some tunes and churned out over 30 pages worth of redesign documentation. We're redesigning a Palm Pilot. Altogether our final report will be over 100 pages. A semester long summary of work and data collecting. Madness. We must have killed 3 trees today. This is the last week of classes for me, so I have like every final project due this week. Luckily they're all due by wednesday, so suki can have a stress-free birthday. yay. Speaking of which, I got 2 very thoughtful gifts in the mail today, very unexpected. Thanks Chica.

I'm about ready for bed. It's been a very long day.