Tuesday, August 30, 2005

hair-raising experience

I went to get my hair cut and bedazzled by my long-time stylist today. Everything was wonderful until I got up to pay. There was a woman that walked in halfway through my haircut. She was a complete mess, like a some sort of circus performer on crack. She ran up to me with curlers in her hair as I was trying to pay my bill. She started asking me all sorts of questions, standing about 3 inches from my face. "What did you have done?" Ohhhhh your hair looks NIIIICE!" But you know honey, blonde is out, the men like brunettes now, oh yeah they do!" This is coming from a woman with gray hairs bristling out of her chin and breath like she licked a baboons ass. She follows this piece of advice with an offer, "If you ever need any sex advice, you call me. I'm a sex therapist! No I'm not. Juuuust kidding." I never ran so fast in my life. gah. I think that may have been a proposition. I'm not sure. But if i think about it much longer I may have nightmares.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

temporary masshole status

I have said my teary goodbyes to Pittsburgh and have moved back temporarily to western mass. I've been living with the 'rents for 4 days and am already going crazy. Crazy, I say! But I've been busy seeing friends and family and of course, preparing for my BIG move to the west coast in a few weeks. Terra's wedding is this weekend in the 1000 islands. I love that place. Too bad I was stupid and forgot to book a room. doh. I'm sure it will work out.

Ran into Garrick on friday and he gave me a demo CD he's been working on. I realized suddenly that I know an abnormal amount of amateur rappers/emcees. Kinda weird.

I've been watching a fair share of TV and movies. I've forgetten what free time feels like. I like it. I actually feel unstressed for once. Screw working, I want my MTV.

Time to get back to loafing and apt hunting.
