Tuesday, June 07, 2005

thoughts and stuff

It's amazing how much perception is reality. I'll never forget what my high school boyfriend said to me once. "Your problems are your problems, no matter how small they may seem to other people" He proceeded to tell me a story about a girl in our class who was freaking out ready to kill herself, over her mom finding her cigerettes. Seems silly, right, but to her it was the end of the world.

I've seen similar things where people see the same situation very differently, and are adament that THEY have the right perception, without considering other views. Someone who is hallucinating may really be seeing bugs crawling on their skin. That is their reality, you can't say no, you AREN'T seeing bugs right now, dude.

Anywho, I'm rambling I guess. I am just fascinated by how much attitude factors into happiness or just perception of your life in general. I could just decide that today is a good day and I'm pretty cool and suddenly I see things differently. Yes it is a good day, wow look I have like a million great things going for me. Great friends, a good head on my shoulders, a happy-but-dysfunctional family. If everyone just took a couple mins to focus on the good instead of wallowing in the bad, there may be a tad less prozac in the world.


At June 8, 2005 at 6:48 PM, Blogger mix said...

I think what you just said is the key to almost all relationships. It’s also the hardest thing to do. When you’re in an argument and your adrenalin is flowing, and you’re so pissed off you can’t see, it gets hard to step back and see another point of view.

Lately I have been trying to stay calm and keep that though in my head. I do this because of my last girlfriend. As much as I loved her, she could never accept anyone else’s perspective, and I could not communicate with her because of it. A year after we broke up she called me. She was upset because of a break up with a guy after a month. She told me that the guy had the gall to tell her that she is never willing to see anyone else’s point of view. I told her that he was right.


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