Wednesday, February 23, 2005

feeling like PUI

Today is a good day, despite me feeling crappy. I have this persistant nausea going on since saturday. Really annoying. I feel queasy when i get hungry, but then 5 mins after I eat I feel even more queasy. It's a no-win situation. According to webMD, I'm either stressed or have cancer, or possibly something wrong with my liver, heart, kidneys.. etc. Wow. thanks for narrowing it down people. It is probably just massive amounts of stress, but then there's the people who chirp in with maybe you're just pregnant. They get a sukislap for even going there. hehe.

Despite all this lovely puiness, things are getting better work-wise. I've overcome my panic with the amt of school work this semester(which is 5 times more than any human could even begin to complete), and the worst part of my programming class is over. YAY.

Spring Break is just a couple weeks away (starting next fri actually), so i am looking forward to suki time. I was invited on a road trip to NYC, but I'm actually more excited to stay here, relax and catch up on work. Sad but true.

Colleen is coming down for a long weekend. Very excited to introduce her to the 'burgh. She's pretty excited to try a Primanti Bros sandwich with 'slaw and fries all piled ontop of an already stuffed subroll. Heart attack on a plate. Welcome to Pittsburgh, my friend.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy W day!

Did I ever mention how much I loathe Valentine's Day(V Day)? It's the worst holiday ever. Makes everyone feel crappy. If you're in a relationship, there's all these expectations of a romantic evening, and if it doesn't pan out that way, it's disappointing. If you are in a long distance relationship, you're miserable because you aren;t with that person. And finally if you are single, you just feel bad in general. Hallmark makes sure of that.

I actually prefer to be single on V Day. The last few years i went out with my single friends, mostly male, and went bar hopping. Always a blast. I'm glad I'm not in MA this year though, because my oasis of single friends is running virtually dry.

A piece of advice for my male friends out there, if you are dating a girl on Vday, get her a friggin' card ok? It's worth the 2 bucks.