Wednesday, February 01, 2006

tagged i guess?

Four Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life

1. Forman for a Painting company
2. Waitress at an upscale BBQ restaurant
3. User Interface Designer
4. Producer (web not TV)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over And Over

1. Dawn of the Dead
2. Life is beautiful
3. Requieum for a Dream
4. Better Off Dead

Four Places You’ve Lived

1. Fairfield, CT
2. Northampton, MA
3. Pittsburgh, PA
4. Mountain View, CA

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch

1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Most XTreme Challenge
3. Prison Break
4. The Daily Show

Four Places You’ve Been On Vacation

1. California (now I live here, yay)
2. Bahamas
3. Bar Harbor, ME
4. Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Four Blogs You Visit Daily

daily? none. sometimes? mix, themollusk, gawker, fromaway

Four Of Your Favourite Foods

1. Chubby Hubby ice cream
2. hot wings, extra crispy
3. chicken parm
4. sushi

Four Places You’d Rather Be

1. on a dance floor
2. singing kareoke in a dive bar
3. NYC
4. the tunnel bar after hours

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without
radiohead- hail to the theif
John Hiatt – crossing muddy waters
Bright Eyes- letting off the happiness
Hip Hop Millenium Dance Party

Four Vehicles You’ve Owned

1. 1986 Chevy Celebrity
2. 1991 Chevy Cavalier
3. 2000 Hyundai accent
4. 2005 Nissan Altima

Four People To Be Tagged- I don't even know what that means?

Friday, December 30, 2005

New Years Resolutions: Part 1

I wanted to get started on these while I'm motivated to write it all down.

1. Trust my Instincts
I have really good instincts, yet I often doubt them when I get advice from other people or give in to other societial pressure. Yeah and I always regret it. Time to live according to me. That way I can only blame myself.

2. Get back my energy
I am going to finally see a doctor about the numbness in my limbs and feet. And why I'm so damn tired I've become a couch potato lately. I'm not feeling like my bubbly self and that's not cool.

more to come...

yet another update

Oh hi. Things have been busy in the month of December. I must reiterate how awesome it is to have great friends. My friends on the west coast planned a big birthday surprise for me: a trip to napa, hotel, transporation all included! It was a really fun weekend full of wine, debauchery and full-body massages. mmmmmhmmm. I also got to go home and see the fam for the holidays. They rock the cash bar... if you know what I mean.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

just what i've always wanted

I've been saying I wanted a snake for the longest time and now I am the proud new owner of Lucy, a baby Corn Snake. She's really beautiful, pink and red (Amel, or red albino). She is the sweetest little thing, although a little skittesh right now as she adjusts to her new home.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

cs cheat sheet

I was listening to NPR this AM and they had a guest on who has developed a cheat sheet for how to get to a real person quickly when dealing with customer service. Check it out on or here is the direct link to the cheat sheet (by paul english) I usually find entering in "0" or saying operator usually works well, but apparently there's more of a process to getting through on some calls.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

take that carl lewis!

So I was talking to Platinum Pete today and he just finished a new video for Morningwood's "Nth Degree" and it's getting much love on the M-T-V. YAY. Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside when someone from the 413 does themselves good. Anyways this led to a discussion on our all-time favorite music videos.

Mine is "Dance Commander" by Electric Six. When I first saw it I was at work and I was seriously ANGRY that I was at work and not home thrashing around my bedroom like the dude in the video. I was so impressed that i was actually the "dance commander" for halloween that year. Download the video here. It's worth it believe me.

This is Pete's favorite video ever:
and honestly after seeing it, it could be a close second for me also. No one can pull off black leotards and eyeliner like Carl Lewis. NOBODY.

More wicked awesome Carl Lewis videos here and here.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

home again

I didn't want to have to take work home with me this weekend, but you can;t always get what you want. Jay and Carrie are getting hitched this weekend, and i'm going home to witness and take part in the debauchery. These are people I played beer pong or beruit if you will at engagement parties and other dignified events. One of the boys is getting married. this is an important day in history. I'd say a sad day, as another one bites the dust, but I really like them as a couple, so I'm very happy about it.

Meanwhile, I forgot my cell phone in california (i recently discovered that saying cali is something californians just don't do) so this will be a difficult weekend of playng phone tag with people (or trying to remember #s). Fun.

Everyone will be home this weekend, which is great, but also tough as I will only be in town for about 2 days. That;s a lot of cramming. AND I'm determined to do some power shopping, as the bay area is ridiculously expensive. Yay massachusetts,no tax on clothes.

I'm also hoping to get a halloween costume while I'm here. I have this incredible urge to be bacon. Or maybe swedish death metal. or a dead milkmaid.

why do I always wait until the week before halloween to think of stuff.

Ok the plane is about to leave. if you know me, love me and want to see me this wkend, call my 'rents.


Monday, October 10, 2005

Sweeney Ridge

After saying week after week that I was going to go hiking, yesterday I finally went hiking. We went up to Sweeney Ridge, which is part of the part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It was even better than I ever imagined, just gorgeous views all around. We only hiked about 5 miles, but it was a great work out, and my knee held up just fine. It was also Fleet Week in SF, so we saw the Blue Angels flying over the bay, unfortunately we weren't close enough to the action to really see anything cool.

Check out photos from the hike.

Special Thanks to Guy, Hari and Eric for finally organizing things.